Saturday, February 28, 2009

In case you were wondering what the preferred method of dryer disposal is...

Disco Skaters

The devoted men (including the one in the tank top) and women (wrapped
in gauze) of disco roller skating.

No caption needed...

Neil and his mountains

Neil and his mountains, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

Molly gets between me and my EKG strips

It's study time, not lap time.

Playing Catch-up

A few pictures I took over the last week or two, but never got around to posting:

First, I call this one "Nate's Folly"
Next up, I wanted to join the "pictures of beer" club.Finally, I call this one "Decent, Church-going Ducks," although for all I know, they are not at all decent. They may not even be ducks. But they are in a church parking lot.

Friday, February 27, 2009


If you look really close... can see Nicki sleeping over in Bremerton.

Morning drive into Denver

The Soccer Boys

Sure, they don't want to be here during class, but after school when
I'm trying to work....

Cheezburgers in February

Although, I suppose barbecuing in San Diego in the winter isn't that hardcore.

employees only

employees only, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

This sign was put up because people keep coming to our door looking for a company called "Intervention". Even after we put this sign up, they keep coming.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dear Malabrigo Chunky,

I am looking forward to knitting with you.

Welcome to New York... err I mean Seattle....

the incredible machine

the incredible machine, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

I think this toy is awesome, brian thinks it is pointless. That's because it doesn't kill things.



Parking garage

HIPAA prevents me from posting anything more interesting from my day.


Yeah, so I didn't take this picture today, but I still needed to spread the word about the place that makes cheese just east of Pike Place Market.

From the Library of...

Ivan walked up to my desk, saw my book stamp, and stamped his arm.
Then, later, he fell asleep with his head on his arm (normally I don't
allow sleeping, but Ivan never stops talking, so this was a nice
respite). When he woke up, it took me a second to figure out when he
had snuck over to my desk again....

Who are, Ken Lay, Scott Sullivan, Joe Nacchio

For those of you who don't know, it is also a type of valve.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fish Stew

I meant to post this a few days ago. Whoops!

Popcorn? Puh-LEESE!

Nicki is too lazy to post, so I have to do it for her... Lame!

Looks like a Knife

R.I.P. Clams n' Chips

Seen anything cooler than that?

I figured that since most of my good stories involve my old roommates, I would share some historical pictures with you.

Alice in Wonderland shoes

Grilling in February

The glazed carrots were surprisingly good, but the steak was the winner.

Right before I got attacked by a panhandler...

If I only had a pellet gun...

this can't be good

this can't be good, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Waiting for the Ferry



clouds, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

Why I couldn't take a shower today

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Knitting Idol

Airplane Factory

This is just about the least impressive angle to get these warehouses from.

I don't have anything cool to photograph today

My dad would be proud of the apple-nerdage that went into this photo.


foresight, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

Thanks Rachel!

Our water main broke again...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Duck Rave

If you could see them in person you'd know they flashed three colors.

Photographing the inner don knotts

Gray stockings


Umm... Did anyone notice there is an animal on my head?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

thin ice

thin ice, originally uploaded by Ben Mason.

*very* thin ice

Tonight's bath was brought to you by...

The color yellow.

Oscar Treats

You can't go wrong with 14 tablespoons of butter, right?

Not my preferred Saturday activity

Almost died... didn't